retail technology awards europe

Checkout & Smart Store 2025
Migros teo

Valora reta winner 2022

Migros is complementing its existing network of supermarkets with “Migros teo”, a modern shopping format that operates without on-site staff and is open around the clock. Seamlessly integrated technologies enable contactless shopping at any time of the day or night. In this way, Migros teo meets the growing customer demand for shopping independent of opening hours, in line with the motto: “What I need. Where I need it. When I need it”. Inside, sustainable materials create a cosy shopping atmosphere.
Access is by app or card, with smart cameras and an intelligent security system playing a central role. In addition to the seven current locations, Migros also uses the autonomous store temporarily during branch renovations to ensure uninterrupted service. A unique feature is that intelligent cameras detect emergencies such as falls and immediately alert the head office, while integrated loudspeakers enable direct communication.

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Checkout & Smart Store

Checkout & Smart Store
Migros teo

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